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Effect of Lint on Whole Cottonseed Passage and Digestibility and Diet Choice on Intake of Whole Cottonseed by Holstein Cows

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Authors: C. E. Coppock, J. R. Moya, J. W. West, D. H. Nave, J. M. Labore and C. E. Gates

University: Department of Animal Science, Institute of Statistics Texas A&M University

Year Published: 1984

Abstract: Effects of rolling whole linted cottonseed and whole acid-delinted cottonseed on whole seed passage and digestibility were determined using 24 lactating Holstein cows. Whole seed passage averaged .74% in all cows fed whole linted seed during the standardization period and .45 % in 6 cows fed whole linted seed during a comparison period, contrasted to 11.3% in 6 cows fed acid-delinted seed. Digestibility of ether extract was less in the 6 cows fed whole acid-delinted cottonseed. No advantage was for rolling whole linted cottonseed before feeding, but rolling was beneficial for whole acid delinted cottonseed.

Individual consumption of whole linted cottonseed by 18 nonpregnant, dry Holstein cows varied from .04 to 5.05 kg/day when two-choice options were given for cottonseed versus chopped coastal bermudagrass hay or corn silage, or a complete ration of 75% corn silage and 25% concentrate. No indication of gossypol toxicity was seen, but the large variation in each choice situation suggests it is desirable to blend cottonseed with other ingredients to ensure more uniform consumption.

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