Cottonseed Marketplace

Cottonseed (Whole) Average Price / Ton

  • Alabama

    F.O.B.  |  Truck $262.00 / Ton as of 02/10/2025
  • CA-San Joaquin Valley

    F.O.B.  |  Truck/Rail $406.00 / Ton as of 02/10/2025
  • Pacific Northwest

    Delivered  |  Truck $420.00 / Ton as of 02/10/2025
  • Pacific Northwest

    Delivered  |  Rail $390.00 / Ton as of 02/10/2025
  • Memphis, TN

    F.O.B.  |  Truck/Rail $310.00 / Ton as of 05/06/2024

Welcome to the Cottonseed Marketplace, connecting buyers and sellers of cottonseed.

To receive a cottonseed quote directly from qualified sellers based on your unique specifications, please fill out the Cottonseed Request Form.

To reach out directly to a seller today, click on your state or the closest state with a cottonseed supplier marked by a dot on the Where to Buy Map below.

U.S. Cottonseed Balance Sheet

Acres Planted (millions)12.0911.2113.7510.2311.67
Acres Harvested8.2110.267.746.448.63
Abandoned Acres3.880.956.013.793.04
Abandonment Rate32.1%8.5%43.7%37.0%26.0%
Beginning Stocks (1,000 short tons)456396396385345
Total Supply4,9255,7444,9124,0545,685
Crush (1,000 short tons)1,5631,5581,3901,4001,601
Feed & Seed for Planting2,6863,4982,9521,9093,200
Total Demand4,5295,3494,5273,7095,251
Ending Stocks (1,000 short tons)396396385345435
Farm Price (USD/short ton)194243306225

Cottonseed Request Form

  • Contact Info

  • Quantity Desired

  • - OR -
  • Delivery Time Frame

  • In general, delivery periods are OND (Oct., Nov., Dec.); JFM (Jan., Feb., March); AMJ (April, May, June); JAS (July, Aug., Sept.). Or "clock" (scattered delivery from October - September) Examples: I want:

    • 1 truckload delivered in June
    • 3 truckloads scattered OND
    • 6 truckloads delivered clock
  • Equipment

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

To assist your company, Cotton Incorporated and have compiled a list of potential suppliers of cottonseed. This list represents companies Cotton Incorporated understands have the capabilities/products you are seeking. However, this list is not exhaustive, and there may be additional suppliers. Cotton Incorporated cannot guarantee each company has the ability or willingness to deliver a particular product or service. Although we make every attempt to keep this list up to date, there may be cases where a company’s capabilities, products or status may have changed.

Cotton Incorporated is providing this list as a courtesy, but makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to the suppliers contained herein. Likewise, no statement contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use a specific supplier, and Cotton Incorporated assumes no responsibility for any negligence on the part of any supplier included in this list.

Cottonseed Marketplace

Click your state or a state near you to see a list of cottonseed suppliers that serve your area.