Cottonseed Marketplace
Welcome to the Cottonseed Marketplace, connecting buyers and sellers of cottonseed.
To receive a cottonseed quote directly from qualified sellers based on your unique specifications, please fill out the Cottonseed Request Form.
To reach out directly to a seller today, click on your state or the closest state with a cottonseed supplier marked by a dot on the Where to Buy Map below.
U.S. Cottonseed Balance Sheet
2020/2021 | 2021/2022 | 2022/2023 | 2023/2024 | 2024/2025 | |
Acres Planted (millions) | 12.09 | 11.21 | 13.75 | 10.23 | 11.67 |
Acres Harvested | 8.21 | 10.26 | 7.74 | 6.44 | 8.63 |
Abandoned Acres | 3.88 | 0.95 | 6.01 | 3.79 | 3.04 |
Abandonment Rate | 32.1% | 8.5% | 43.7% | 37.0% | 26.0% |
Beginning Stocks (1,000 short tons) | 456 | 396 | 396 | 385 | 345 |
Production | 4,468 | 5,323 | 4,415 | 3,644 | 5,315 |
Imports | 1 | 25 | 101 | 25 | 25 |
Total Supply | 4,925 | 5,744 | 4,912 | 4,054 | 5,685 |
Crush (1,000 short tons) | 1,563 | 1,558 | 1,390 | 1,400 | 1,601 |
Feed & Seed for Planting | 2,686 | 3,498 | 2,952 | 1,909 | 3,200 |
Exports | 280 | 293 | 185 | 400 | 450 |
Total Demand | 4,529 | 5,349 | 4,527 | 3,709 | 5,251 |
Ending Stocks (1,000 short tons) | 396 | 396 | 385 | 345 | 435 |
Stocks/Use | 8.7% | 7.4% | 8.5% | 9.3% | 8.3% |
Farm Price (USD/short ton) | 194 | 243 | 306 | 225 | 223 |
Source: USDA, data in millions of acres, 1,000s of short tons. This data uses the USDA NASS API but is not endorsed or certified by NASS.
Cottonseed Request Form
To assist your company, Cotton Incorporated and have compiled a list of potential suppliers of cottonseed. This list represents companies Cotton Incorporated understands have the capabilities/products you are seeking. However, this list is not exhaustive, and there may be additional suppliers. Cotton Incorporated cannot guarantee each company has the ability or willingness to deliver a particular product or service. Although we make every attempt to keep this list up to date, there may be cases where a company’s capabilities, products or status may have changed.
Cotton Incorporated is providing this list as a courtesy, but makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to the suppliers contained herein. Likewise, no statement contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use a specific supplier, and Cotton Incorporated assumes no responsibility for any negligence on the part of any supplier included in this list.
Cottonseed Marketplace
Click your state or a state near you to see a list of cottonseed suppliers that serve your area.