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Cotton Incorporated Launches Online “Cottonseed Marketplace”

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New program on WholeCottonseed.com connects buyers and sellers of whole cottonseed

Just one year after the launch of www.WholeCottonseed.com, Cotton Incorporated has rolled out “Cottonseed Marketplace”,  a new program connecting buyers and sellers of whole cottonseed.

“Cottonseed Marketplace is the latest online enhancement putting whole cottonseed information at the fingertips of dairy producers,” says Tom Wedegaertner, director of agricultural research, Cotton Incorporated. “Now, in addition to learning where to buy, or how to feed or store the feedstuff, producers can use a simple online form to request quotes from participating merchants.”

Interested buyers simply visit WholeCottonseed.com, click on “I am a Buyer,” and complete and submit an online request form to provide sellers with preferred quantities, delivery timeframes and contact information. Merchants participating in the Cottonseed Marketplace instantly receive inquiries and can reply directly and confidentially.

Only merchants who are members of the National Cottonseed Products Association (NCPA) and/or the Cottonseed & Feed Association (CFA), meaning they abide by strict trading rules, may participate in Cottonseed Marketplace, Wedegaertner explains.

Cottonseed is an excellent source of fiber, protein and energy. Typical rations can include up to 15 percent cottonseed on a dry matter basis. For more information, including reports on market conditions, feeding information and a list of suppliers, visit www.WholeCottonseed.com.

Cotton Incorporated, funded by U.S. growers of upland cotton and importers of cotton and cotton textile products, is the research and marketing company representing upland cotton. The Program is designed and operated to improve the demand for and profitability of cotton.

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