Cotton Incorporated Announces Winner of Cottonseed Video Contest and Truckload of Cottonseed, Following Public Vote
• Posted in News Releases
After garnering wide-spread interest and votes from across the country, Jenifer O. of Brownsville, Wis., is declared winner of Cotton Incorporated’s “Innovative on-farm storage solutions for cottonseed” video contest. The Midwest dairy farmer takes home the winning title, and the grand prize: a free truckload of whole cottonseed worth approximately $5,000.
The contest, which launched November 1, 2010, challenged dairy producers across the country to produce a short video demonstrating their cottonseed storage savvy. Jenifer O. and the competing finalist, dairy producer Case V. of Amherst Texas, vied for votes in a neck-to-neck race that ended January 31, 2011.
While the contest allowed for just one grand prize winner, both finalists successfully showed cost-effective storage solutions for whole cottonseed, helping educate fellow dairy producers about the various ways to store the fuzzy feedstuff on the farm. In the winning video, Jennifer O. demonstrates how her family uses an old stanchion barn to store cottonseed and protect it from Wisconsin’s harsh elements, including rain, sleet and snow. The entry is featured on and Whole Cottonseed’s YouTube channel.
The publicly judged contest was complemented with a voter’s sweepstakes, giving the voting audience an opportunity to win. The sweepstakes named five winners, selected at random from all participating entrants, and each winner will receive a Kodak® ZX1 Pocket Video Camera. The winners will be announced later this month on and Twitter. The public also may follow Tom Wedegaertner, director of cottonseed research and marketing, Cotton Incorporated, on Twitter, at @CottonTom, for the latest results.
Wedegaertner says plans already are in the works for another dairy producer video contest from Cotton Incorporated this summer. Check for updates.
Cotton Incorporated, funded by U.S. growers of upland cotton and importers of cotton and cotton textile products, is the research and marketing company representing upland cotton.