One Feed Ingredient.
01 FAT
Helps improve body condition, which is vital for successful breeding.1
Supports muscle growth, animal development and lactation.2
Supports rumen function and digestive health.3

Why Whole Cottonseed?
Higher Milk Production and Butterfat: In trial after trial, whole cottonseed has been proven to increase both milk production and milk fat when added to dairy cow rations.1
Improved Body Condition: Research has shown that the fat in whole cottonseed improves body condition, which can lead to better reproductive performance.3
Highly Digestible: Whole cottonseed is highly digestible since its energy is primarily from fat. If fed at a reasonable level, it will not interfere with forage digestion the way starch in corn can.4,5
Widely Available: Since whole cottonseed is a byproduct of the cotton ginning process, it is widely available and often competitively priced.
Direct & Simple Sourcing
Sourcing whole cottonseed is direct and simple with our Cottonseed Marketplace, an easy-to-use connection point for buyers and sellers. Use it to connect with qualified sellers that serve your area! Check it out!
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1Comerford, JW. Added Fat in the Ration of Beef Cows to Enhance Reproduction. PennState Extension website. Available at: https://extension.psu.edu/added-fat-in-the-ration-of-beef-cows-to-enhance-reproduction. January 2, 2014. Accessed June 2, 2020
2Parish, J Protein requirements of beef cattle. Mississippi State University Extension website. Available at: https://extension.msstate.edu/sites/default/files/topic-files/cattle-business-mississippi-articles/cattle-business-mississippi-articles-landing-page/mca_apr2009.pdf. April, 2009. Accessed January 28, 2021
3Parish, J Fiber in beef cattle diets. Mississippi State University Extension website. Available at: https://extension.msstate.edu/publications/publications/fiber-beef-cattle-diets#:~:text=Salivary%20flow%20is%20primarily%20stimulated,referred%20to%20as%20effective%20fiber. Accessed January 28, 2021
4Smith, NE. et. al. Digestibility and Effects of Whole Cottonseed Fed to Lactating Cows. Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 64, no. 11, November 1981, pp. 2209-2215., https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022030281828317
5Lardy, G. Feeding Corn to Beef Cattle, NDSU Animal Sciences Department https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/livestock/feeding-corn-to-beef-cattle . AS1238, Reviewed May 2018. Accessed February 9, 2021