Cotton: A Versatile “And” Crop
Cotton is well-known for its use in textile production through the creation of clothing and towels. But its byproducts are extremely versatile with uses for cooking, cosmetics, cattle feed and beyond. Explore the numerous benefits of this “and” crop.
Cotton Produces
All without requiring extra land, water, fertilizer or other support.1
What can cotton be used for?

Cotton linters are short fibers separated from the seed using machines. They are commonly used in papermaking and can even found in beverages and food products like beer and ice cream.

Cottonseed hulls are used in non-food products like soap and fertilizer.2

Whole Cottonseed
Cottonseed is an excellent source of protein and provides nutritional benefits when fed to dairy and beef cattle.3-6

Cottonseed Cooking Oil
There are hundreds of uses for cottonseed cooking oils including salad dressings, frying oil and baking applications.

Cottonseed Oil
Like other crop byproducts, there are also hundreds of other non-cooking oil applications including makeup, toothpaste and even biodiesel.
Cotton’s versatility and the efficiency of using the entire plant make it a valuable, sustainable crop.

Explore More About Cotton And Its Numerous Applications Across Our Daily Lives.
1 Rathore, Keerti S., Devendra Pandeya, LeAnne M. Campbell, Thomas C. Wedegaertner, Lorraine Puckhaber, Robert D. Stipanovic, J. Scott Thenell, Steve Hague, and Kater Hake. (2020). Ultra-Low Gossypol Cottonseed: Selective Gene Silencing Opens Up a Vast Resource of Plant-Based Protein to Improve Human Nutrition. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 39, no. 1: 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/07352689.2020.1724433.
2 Cotton Incorporated. (n.d.). Pioneers of Progress: Cottonseed. https://www.cottoninc.com/about-cotton/sustainability/pioneers-of-progress/introduction/cottonseed/.
3 Jacobs, L., Mullenix, K., & Brown, S. (2019). “Whole cottonseed use in beef cattle diets.” Alabama Cooperative Extension System. https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/beef/whole-cottonseed-use-in-beef-cattle-diets/.
4 Ely, L. O., & Guthrie, L. D. (2012). Feeding whole cottonseed to dairy cows and replacements. University of Georgia Extension. https://secure.caes.uga.edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/SB%2059_2.PDF.
5 Pierce, R. B., Adeniji, Y. A., Bomberger, R., Goodall, S. R., &Harvatine, K. J. (2024). “Effect of feeding increasing levels of whole cottonseed on milk and milk components, milk fatty acid profile, and total-tract digestibility in lactating dairy cows.” Journal of Dairy Science. 107(5):2916–2929.doi: 10.3168/jds.2023-23944.
6 Comerford, J.W. (2014). Added fat in the ration of beef cows to enhance reproduction. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/added-fat-in-the-ration-of-beef-cows-to-enhance-reproduction.
Cotton Incorporated, funded by U.S. cotton producers and importers of cotton products, conducts worldwide research and promotion activities to increase the demand for and profitability of cotton.
AMERICA’S COTTON PRODUCERS AND IMPORTERS. Service marks/trademarks of Cotton Incorporated. ©2024 Cotton Incorporated. The Seal of Cotton is a trademark of Cotton Incorporated.