Cottonseed 101
Learn how this premium feedstuff can help you get more out of your milking string.
About Whole Cottonseed
Whole cottonseed is an excellent feed ingredient for cattle, especially lactating cows. The high level of energy (fat), protein, and effective fiber in whole cottonseed has the potential to increase milk production and butterfat when added to the ration.

Benefits of Feeding
Whole Cottonseed
Producers nationwide build their rations around whole cottonseed for many reasons

Direct & Simple Sourcing
Sourcing whole cottonseed is direct and simple with our Cottonseed Marketplace, an easy-to-use connection point for buyers and sellers. Use it to connect with qualified sellers that serve your area! Check it out!
Cottonseed Marketplace
Click your state or a state near you to see a list of cottonseed suppliers that serve your area.